Tag Archives: communism

This is worth seeing – again.

I think, and I know in my case, that all it took was for a plumber to ask one question during the last presidential campaign, for it to be clear to many of us that we had a communist, in the guise of the democrat party, running for president. (Spread the wealth around a little, anyone???)

I keep asking myself if he thinks Pelosi needs to spread her $62+ million around. After all he has said that there’s a point when everyone has made enough money:

This Whittle video is worth a watch again to remind us all that this man is and has always been a socialist. For cryin’ out loud, the man admits to being a Marxist in his book! Most of his cabinet are self-avowed socialists or Marxists — Anita Dunn, her husband Bill Bauer (remember him? the author of the what became known as OBAMACARE while Bill was in JAIL?)  or Van Jones ring a bell???

Whittle explains the messaging behind the Obama branding:

Children as props = desperation

I don’t want to ruin your day before it starts but here’s something to give you heartburn before your 2nd cup of coffee:

Jeffery Lord, Gladwell and the American Tipping Point

Last week, on Hannity’s radio show he discussed a recent column by Jeffery Lord/The American Spectator, called  American Tipping Point. In it, Lord discusses Malcolm Gladwell’s book Tipping Point and makes comparisons to America’s tipping points at different times in our history and the rise of conservatism and the Tea Party.

Lord says that:  Thanks to the Tea Party movement, Conservatism is on the verge of a major victory that dwarfs the technical and actual realities of whatever the details of the resulting deficit deal passed last night. Yes, there is a long, long way to go. But the idea that America doesn’t, in fact, have to be governed for eternity as a debtor nation with a mammoth, out-of-control, ever-expanding government is winning the day. It is tipping the balance with increasing decisiveness against an idea that has become so much a part of conventional wisdom that even some conservatives, startlingly including, inexplicably, the Wall Street Journal, have displayed the wobblies at the thought of confronting the Leviathan. The WSJ’s attacks yesterday against Jim DeMint, Michele Bachmann and Sean Hannity, saying “sooner or later the GOP had to give up the hostage” — follows another editorial in which the paper railed against Tea Party members as “hobbits.” The paper, sounding like cranky British Tories in 1775 Boston rather than the bold, forward-looking paper that championed the much-derided ideas of Ronald Reagan​, wildly bought into the liberal notion that the Tea Party from Hobbitville is somehow holding the government hostage, instead of the other way around. In fact Big Government liberalism has spent decades holding and trying to hold the average American hostage to all manner of outrageous tax rates, taxes and regulations on everything from capital gains to sex (in Harry Reid’s Nevada) to soda, SUVs and poker.

Lord chronicles the rise of conservatism from Senator Robert Taft’s strident opposition to FDR’s mega New Deal in the 30’s, through William F. Buckley to the great Ronald Reagan to Mark Levin’s landmark best seller and Tea Party bible, Liberty and Tyranny and how all these little, or sometimes large events, are causing a tipping point in American history. He says that conservatism is spreading almost like a virus: in Gladwell’s vocabulary, “connectors” — “people with a particular and rare set of social gifts” who have the ability to “spread” an idea like an epidemic, a Tipping Point is in the works. Henry Regnery, for example, published and made a star of Buckley, who befriended Reagan who inspired Limbaugh, who was befriended by Buckley and placed on the cover of National Review, with Limbaugh in turn aiding Hannity and Levin and Levin’s book inspiring the Tea Party etc., etc.

Reading Lord, once again gave me hope. And reminded me that in Beck’s words, we are not alone. Most of America is conservative to some degree. Most of Americans want to be or remain at least, middle class and we see that vanishing under Obama’s ideology. Most of America finds communism (call it socialism or European socialism but it’s still a form of communism) to be antithetical to the fundamentals of our beliefs and our founding. And most of America will fight it.

I hope they don’t think for a minute that we will forget being called racists, nazis, homophobes, Hobbits and terrorists. We will not. The real revolution will occur on November 6th, 2012 – bloodless, gunless and in a voting booth. They are being fore warned and to disregard the tipping point signs will be at their own peril.

It’s a must-read by Lord and I hope you will take the time to read it.

WH Rural Council and our farmers

From my friend Boudica’s blog. Please read it.  This is pretty scary stuff.

What I think about Obama, his birth and our future

I’ve seen Jack Cashill’s video speeches. I’ve read Stanly Kurtz’ book, Radical in Chief. And it’s because of them and all the comments that cali has made that I believe there is more to this president’s past than we know.

  • Am I convinced that he was born in Hawaii? NO.
  • Do I think there’s a possibility that he was born outside this country? YES.
  • Do I think that Obama could be playing us all as rubes and he really is Hawaiian born? YES.
  • Do I know for certain that he’s a Christian? NO.

I’m not prepared to discount anything. And what does that say about this man we elected? It says that we really know nothing for sure about him. All that remains are more and more conspiracy theories and I see this as something that will never die. There will be theories about this guy’s life in perpetuity.

Maybe that’s what he wants to leave history: something like an Arthurian legacy. Can anyone prove, without doubt that King Arthur lived? No. Can it be proven that he didn’t? No.

Can anything be definitively proven about Obama’s early life? Very little.

He’s a little like Jesus, isn’t he? There’s a large gap of time during childhood that is all but non-existent, in both men’s lifes. The difference is that we take on faith the life of Jesus because we have no kindergarten teachers or childhood friends to question. Somehow, Obama has kept most of his past a secret and kept quiet almost all those who had to have known him.

I just don’t know what to think about this man – aside from knowing that he’s a Marxist who shares none of my beliefs or my vision of what America really is about and knowing that he has plans that will destroy the America that we love. He is dangerous to our future and another term as president will create almost irreversible damage to us as a people and a nation.

More Atlas Shrugged

The exchange at the end of this clip, between Hank Rearden and his mooching brother, Philip is priceless. It was my first of several, laugh out loud moments in the movie:

This was my second one:

The democrat party REALLY is the party of communists

With Wasserman-Schultz (love that hyphenated last name, don’t you?) appointed chairPERSON of the DNC, it’s out in the open now that the democrat party is really the party of communists.  And with this appointment, the demise of the DNC is all but assured – or at least I’m praying so.

My God- watch Ryan’s response at about 2:00. It’s priceless:

Someone at HotAir commented that this exchange looked like a couple facing a divorce judge! LOL He obviously cannot stand her – along with many of the rest of us.

Her appointment really is the best thing that could happen to the RNC, unless they had appointed Sheila Jackson Lee (“when America planted the flag on Mars”) or Maxine Waters (“watch out or we will nationalize — er ummm- er — oil companies”).

And you’ll love this at the end when Debbie claims that the term “ObamaCare” is a disparaging tag:

It is time the DNC came out of the closet and admitted they really are communists and stop trying to fool the American voter.

The death cult of radical islam

Suicide bombers in training from lastdaysrevelations.com

“We have discovered how to hit the Jews where they are most vulnerable. The Jews love life, so that is what we will take from them. We are going to win, because they love life and we love death.”

– Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Hezbollah


The following video is graphic and disturbing, so be warned before you watch or forward it to the 50 second mark.

Nothing has disturbed me as much as the slaughter of this Jewish family on March 11th. This unspeakable act which seems to have garnered not ONE statement from our government, our state department or the man who sits in the oval office, disgusts and saddens me.  I have seen virtually no American press coverage of this. And I can’t understand why there is no public outrage. I can’t understand why there is only silence from the Hollywood elite and those celebrated American terrorists, Bill Ayers and his lovely wife Bernadine Dohrn, who all support Palestine. (Dorhn, along with Code Pink, were part of the phoney flotilla that was enroute to the Gaza Strip with weapons for the Palestinians.)

In order to fight and beat these barbarians, we have to first understand what and who we are fighting. Please read Steven Brown/FrontpageMag.com. You will come away with a whole new mindset on radical islam.

Ben Stein on Bloomberg’s life saving endeavors or not

I am endlessly amazed at how backwards we humans get things in our lives. Just let me give you two very basic examples, one of which is a crime against humanity.

I keep reading in the New York Times that Mayor Bloomberg, a billionaire health nut, is on a campaign against having too much salt in foods in New York City restaurants. His belief is that New Yorkers and visitors shorten their life spans by eating too much salt and therefore raising their blood pressure in a dangerous way. If he took control over the salt content in New York restaurants, he could save a few dozen lives per year, he believes.

But, wait a moment. I also read in the New York Times that New York City is one of the abortion capitals of the nation, with a much higher rate of abortion than most other parts of the nation. And Mayor Bloomberg is a great fan of “…a woman’s right to choose…” to abort her baby.

As I calculate it in a rough way, New York City has about 8 million persons living there, or about (very roughly) 3 per cent of the nation’s population. And New York has a much higher abortion rate than the rest of the nation. So it is possible that New Yorkers have about 50,000 abortions per year, or maybe a lot more.

That is 50,000 killings of totally innocent children every year. Does Mayor Bloomberg think that his anti-salt campaign means much compared with that number? If he wants to save lives, why doesn’t he throw his tiny weight and his huge purse behind right to life? That’s a truly life-saving act.

From Ben Stein/The American Spectator

Isn’t there some noise out there that this idiot Bloomberg is thinking of a presidential run in ’12? He wouldn’t stand a chance so he needs to forget that idea. Lord knows that he has nothing of importance in New York to worry about so he’s down here in Arizona investigating us!

And some more good stuff I read this morning:

Daniel Halper writes in today’s Weekly Standard that Rep. Peter King (R-NY) is refusing to expand his investigative committee to include neo-Nazi and other extremist organizations in America because he believes that al Qaeda presents the clearest and most dangerous threat to national security.  According to King: “Pursuant to our mandate, the Committee will continue to examine the threat of Islamic radicalization, and I will not allow political correctness to obscure a real and dangerous threat to the safety and security of the citizens of the United States.”

samiam60 has a great blog including Robin of Berkeley (from American Thinker) on why so many liberals hate Sarah Palin.

Bob Mack has a touching blog from last night about the poor – no pathetic – medical care our vets are receiving.

Victor Davis Hanson at Pajamas Media writes on the consequences of the Egpytian chaos : “I think unfortunately we may go the 1940s “we can work with Mao”/1970s “no inordinate fear of communism”/2000s “jihad can mean a personal struggle” route, where liberals believe that totalitarian nationalists somehow admire the American Revolution and our lack of a colonial heritage, and, as closet moderates, wish to work with us. That translates into a backdoor courtship with the Muslim Brotherhood…”

Chains that Matter from iowntheworld.com