Category Archives: politics

Canadian TV host demolishes Keystone decision | Times 247

Canadian TV host demolishes Keystone decision Where does President Obama want to get his oil from, Canada or Venezuela? That’s a key question posed by Ezra Levant.

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Manual for the Wall St. Squatters

h/t my good friend, Smartmouthwoman

This is terrific!!!


Big Sloth occupiers on Wall St – Mark Steyn

If you don’t like to think of [Steve] Jobs as a corporate exec (and a famously demanding one at that), think of him as a guy who went to work, and worked hard. There’s no appetite for that among those “occupying” Zuccotti Park. In the old days, the tribunes of the masses demanded an honest wage for honest work. Today, the tribunes of America’s leisured varsity class demand a world that puts “people before profits.”

If the specifics of their “program” are somewhat contradictory, the general vibe is consistent: They wish to enjoy an advanced western lifestyle without earning an advanced western living. The pampered, elderly children of a fin de civilization over-developed world, they appear to regard life as an unending vacation whose bill never comes due. Mark Steyn

Wall St. Squatters – like the Tea Party? I don’t think so!

This is like the tea party?

Someone needs a reality check if this can be compared to the Tea Party.

There is no comparison – NONE. Tea party people don’t crap on police cars. They don’t prod and provoke the police. They don’t leave trash when they go home.  And they go home at the end of the day because they have LIVES and jobs.

Tea party people bring lawn chairs and bottled water and signs for the day and then they LEAVE. They don’t stay and make the neighbors lives miserable with drum circles and chants. They don’t stay and harm the economy of the small business people in the area.  And when they leave,  they leave it cleaner than when they arrived.

Finally, the stupid Mayor is coming to his senses. Be sure and watch the video at this site too:

NEW YORK — Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Friday accused the Wall Street demonstrators of trying to cripple New York City’s economy.

“What they’re trying to do is take the jobs away from people working in this city,” the mayor declared in his harshest criticism of the three-week-old protest that has caught the attention of the nation.

“They’re trying to take away the tax base we have because none of this is good for tourism.”

Although he expressed sympathy for “some of their complaints,” Bloomberg warned that addressing them has to be accomplished “without hurting people and making the problem worse.”

“If the jobs they are trying to get rid of in this city — the people that work in finance, which is a big part of our economy — we’re not going to have any money to pay our municipal employees or clean the blocks or anything else.”

The mayor’s comments came in response to a caller to his WOR Radio show who asked what the city intended to do about the protest headquarters in Zuccotti Park, which is near her apartment and where hundreds of people are camped out.

“What about my rights to use the park?” asked the caller, named Marsha.

“This is a little bit of greenery that we reclaimed after Sept. 11. It’s not usable. There is a general sense of incivility down there. But worst of all are the drums and the shouting. I know they’ve agreed to stop the drumming. Last night they were drumming until 10:45. Someone did a little practice drumming this morning at 7:50.”

“We couldn’t agree more,” replied the mayor.

“We are trying to deal with this in a way that doesn’t make the problem grow and protects everybody’s rights.”

He hinted that the city is hoping the protest peters out on its own.

“I think we let some of this — not play out, isn’t quite the right word, but let them express themselves,” said Bloomberg.

President Barack Obama on Thursday defended the protesters, saying they expressed “the frustrations that the American people feel. People are frustrated and the protesters are giving voice to a more broad-based frustration about how our financial system works.”

From Mark Steyn today

But sometimes Obama cronyism is murderous: Eric Holder, a man unfit to be attorney general of the United States, continues to stonewall the “Fast and Furious” investigation into taxpayer-funded government gun-running to Mexican drug cartels.

It is alleged that the administration chose to facilitate the sale of American weapons to crime kingpins south of the border in order to support a case for gun control north of the border. Evidence keeps piling up:

The other day, a letter emerged from ATF supervisor David Voth authorizing Special Agent John Dodson to buy Draco pistols to sell directly to known criminals. Over 200 Mexicans are believed to have been killed by “Fast and Furious” weapons — that is to say, they were killed by a U.S. government program.

Doesn’t the New York Times care about dead Mexicans? Doesn’t Newsweek or CBS News? Isn’t Obamaism with a body-count sufficiently eye-catching even for the U.S. press? Or, three years in, are the enablers of Obama still so cynical that they accept it as a necessary price to pay for “change you can believe in”? You can’t make a hopenchange omelette without breaking a couple hundred Mexican eggs?  Mark Steyn 

(emphasis mine.)

I still recall the comment from Mrs. Brady (wife of James Brady, wounded in the Reagan assassination attempt) after she met with Obama months ago: to paraphrase her, she said the Obama told her the regime was working on gun control but it was slow going and “under the radar.” What more indictment of Obama and Holder does there need to be?

Finally vetting our racist president?

Read here at

I have to wonder how long the MSM will continue to ignore and refuse to finally vet this guy.

You are now complicit in the murder of a US border agent

How do you feel about that? Our tax dollars paid for these guns to walk over the border and then used in murders, most specifically the murder of border agent Brian Terry.

There will be a special prosecutor and Holder will be gone – either by his own resignation (to protect TheOne) or TheOne will throw him under the bus. But Holder is the worst AG in my memory and he has to be held accountable. This is his department and they are his underlings.

The whole plan here was to discredit 2nd Amendment supporters. Does anyone remember Mrs. Brady’s comment after meeting with TheOne? To paraphrase Mrs. Brady (whose husband James Brady was severely wounded in the Reagan assassination attempt) Obama told her that “we’re going to change these laws but it’s slow going and we’re working UNDER THE RADAR.”

The only  thing they’ve accomplished is shaming and disgracing our nation.

The joke that is AttackWatch!

Revenge of the parody!

You knew it was gonna happen and this one is just the beginning, I bet.



ObamaCare Glitch Could Unravel Law | Michael F. Cannon | Daily Podcast | Cato Institute

This is really interesting and if you’re like me, you’ll have to listen to it a couple times to get it.Especially the part about the IRS. But this may be our way out of ObamaCare.

Featuring Michael F. Cannon

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