Tag Archives: Marxists

This is terrific!!!

Via BigGoverment.com:

Big Sloth occupiers on Wall St – Mark Steyn

If you don’t like to think of [Steve] Jobs as a corporate exec (and a famously demanding one at that), think of him as a guy who went to work, and worked hard. There’s no appetite for that among those “occupying” Zuccotti Park. In the old days, the tribunes of the masses demanded an honest wage for honest work. Today, the tribunes of America’s leisured varsity class demand a world that puts “people before profits.”

If the specifics of their “program” are somewhat contradictory, the general vibe is consistent: They wish to enjoy an advanced western lifestyle without earning an advanced western living. The pampered, elderly children of a fin de civilization over-developed world, they appear to regard life as an unending vacation whose bill never comes due. Mark Steyn

Quote of the day – Ann Coulter

Democrats don’t resent “the rich” on behalf of the poor. They resent the rich on behalf of the government.

Read her column Human Events

Wallace Smith – “Even Limbaugh knows the line he cannot cross”

Because of people like this, churches like this, racism will never die in this nation. If it did, they would have no pulpit to spew their hate from.  And they call themselves Christians …

From January 2010:

H/t to my great friend in GA!

Shapiro: Obama is the Un-American

Two days ago, Matt Drudge linked to a new book by Jerome Corsi, unflinchingly titled Where’s the Birth Certificate? The book immediately leapt to number one on Amazon.com, where it has remained ever since.  The media has shown its usual incredulity at the indisputable stupidity of the American people.  How could so many people question President Obama’s birthplace?  How could they wonder about his origins?  Are they all simply racist?

The answer, of course, is that Americans are desperately seeking an answer to a simple question: why does President Obama appear to be so un-American?  The term un-American here is not synonymous with anti-American (though Obama has been that on occasion); instead, it merely signifies that President Obama is unconcerned with typical American principles and traditions.  He sees capitalism as selfish and evil, religion as dangerous and oppressive; he sees the Constitution as antiquated and entrepreneurialism as exploitative. [Read more by Ben Shaprio/NewsRealBlog]

Sometimes you read something and have an epiphany-like moment. Or more like a “he knows exactly what I’m thinking but couldn’t say it as well” experience. Shaprio put a tack right in the middle of the map for me with the question “why does Obama seem so un-American?”

I’ve never been marching in the birth certificate parade because some little voice tells me it could all be a head fake. Now, I have to admit that another little voice tells me there could very well be something to it, too. And if he does have a valid BC, then why spend millions of dollars to keep it hidden? I just have too many questions about him and why he’s guarded his life like no one I’ve ever seen in public life before. If I’m not mistaken, his annual physical has never been released nor were his medical records during the campaign. (Someone correct me with evidence, if I’m wrong, please.) I’ve never seen a politician with so many aspects of his life “off limits” like this guy.

But I digress.

The point is that this man we (well, not me) put in the Oval Office seems like he’s not one of us. He feels different from all the other Americans we know, we work with or work for, we love, we marry, we fight with and for. Obama is not like any of my neighbors or my state Senator. His values are not our values. For me, he IS the Anti-American. His principles are nothing like mine.

When you think about it, he didn’t grow up like a typical American. His youth was spent in foreign lands with foreign traditions and cultures. Is that a bad thing? Maybe, because it means that he can’t really relate to the typical American. He faked it pretty well during the campaign but now that he’s sitting in the White House, the difference between him and pretty much most of America, is very clear and he’s doing very little to hide it.

I guess what makes me the most uncomfortable about Obama is that he’s made me the enemy. I can’t remember a president who made those in the opposing party into the enemy, like this man has. (I find myself wistfully wishing for the days of Bill Clinton…. kinda.) To Obama, it’s them against us and by framing it this way, he’s made me feel like I’m in a civil war with my own government.

Remember when he said that we were no longer red states or blue states but now we were united states? He only said it once because he never really meant it.

Quote of the Day – Aaron Goldstein

If Olbermann and other liberals are somehow successful in expunging Palin from public life as a result of this horrific tragedy, it will embolden them to dismiss the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, the whole Tea Party Movement and anybody else they deem to be undesirable. But if liberals succeed in ridding themselves of the riff-raff and still cannot bring about hope and change, then who will be left to blame? Liberals get no satisfaction in taking responsibility for their own actions.     Aaron Goldstein/ The American Spectator

LaHood to push for disabling cell phones in cars

I wrote last year about Ray LaHoods desire to “coerce Americans out of” their cars. His plan is to make driving as uncomfortable, inconvenient and expensive as possible.

So now he wants to prevent the use of cell phones in cars due to the “distraction” factor. He says the technology is out there to disable phones in cars. I keep asking myself, is this what the progressive left really want? Do all those college students who support the Obama agenda really want to give up their phones?

And where do distractions in cars end? How many parents will be leaving their kids at home because the “Mom! he’s looking at me again!” screeches from the backseat are a distraction?  How about a bottle of water while you’re driving, not to mention a burger and fries? Or God forbid – a cigarette!!!I don’t want my family out on the highway without a cell phone. Hell, I don’t want to be out on the highway without mine.

Where does it end? At $10/gallon gas? Not only will that “coerce” us out of our cars but out of the grocery store and malls, too. Which in turn, means job loss to millions more.

A year ago LaHood was talking about chips in cars that would monitor gas consumption which would then be taxed as part of the carbon footprints BS, which in turn would be part of crap-n-tax that the EPA will be trying to enforce on us, all the while walking around congress.

Oh, what a tangled web they weave . . .Non-elected officials writing laws that will dramatically and fundamentally change our lives and our nation.

It’s all about protecting us right out of our jobs, our healthcare, all our civil liberties in what has become an obscene desire to control every aspect of our lives, by the ruling class. They know better than the rest of us how to spend our money and what’s best for our health and welfare. How many rights will be enough? When do we finally say enough?

2 years of this has been scary. Another term with this regime will mark the end of America as we’ve known and loved it.

Quote of the day – Stanley Kurtz

“Neither born or raised in a black home, Obama urgently wanted to be part of the African-American community. Local organizing seemed to Obama a contemporary successor to the great civil rights struggle of the sixtes – a movement that generated a deep sense of community among American blacks. So through the shared sacrifice of organizing – the poverty wages, political struggles, and act of community building  – Obama hoped to earn himself a place in an African-American world to which he had previously been a stranger.”

from Radical-in-Chief by Stanley Kurtz

In Dreams From My Father, Obama says that while in college he gravitated to black power members, chicanos, feminists, Marxist professors and other fringe groups.

You need to get “fired up and ready to go”?

You need a reason to vote? Read this by Victor Davis Hanson.

If Hanson’s post today doesn’t “fire you up – ready to go” vote, nothing will!

This regime has to be neutralized and the only way to do it is to vote in overwhelming numbers. I don’t care if nothing gets done in the next two years, in fact, I’m hoping nothing does get done!  The less this government can do, the better for all of us. And that includes defunding NPR, NEA, PBS, and the most horrible of all – HEALTH CARE! If they are defunded, nothing will be done at those entities that can offend or rob any of us.

This man and his agenda HAS TO BE STOPPED before we lose everything we’ve taken for granted. It’s time to stop taking for granted and start standing up and being counted.

Get out and vote and when you do, do so carefully!

$375 a minute for 20 minutes of grace – but no dinner – with TheOne

This from the Providence newspaper.

Yes, Rhode Islanders, some of you are ATM machines but only less than 50 of you.

How do those chefs feel about their great dinner being blown off for a walk and pooper scooper with the first dog?

Oh please, read this story about the fabulous menu that was planned for the Head Taco. And drool over your tuna casserole tonight.  I’m sure there were many disappointed folks in the mini state by the end of this night, right down to the invitation and menu card designers.

And the Obama marxists call Republicans the party of the rich? Ha!

Furthermore, I’m sure his daughters would be scarred for life if he weren’t there to tuck them in.

But hey! What the hell! He raised over $300,000 for his party.