Monthly Archives: May 2011

The cost of unemployed youth

This is what happens when teenagers are not employed and have an umemployment rate of 20%.

Read the headlines at Drudge tonight and pick any one of those stories. This is the summer we are looking forward to.

Thank you,  Mr.Messiah et al for this American Youth Spring/Summer. It’s beginning to resemble the Arab Spring you are all so proud to support.

The One hits the links on Memorial Day

Come hell or high water (2 phenomena that the midwest and south have been experiencing lately, not to mention the troops that were honored today) TheOne, believe it or not, went golfing. Just hours after he laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns and met with military families, he’s hitting the links.

This guy is beyond cold, beyond callous.

Imagine this is 4 or 5 years ago and this were George Bush. Would the press have turned a blind eye to this? I think not. In fact, as all of us know, Bush gave up golf while in the White House out of respect for our troops and their families. And like a real man, he kept his word.


While in England, the Obamas met the royal newlyweds. Duchess Kate wore an off the rack $300 dress and the self appointed American Queen wore a designer dress worth over $25o0 or maybe it was over $3000 – I just know it was way out of line.  The Brits are facing economic hard times, just as we are and their newest royal is setting a tone of austerity that our leaders’ wives could take a lesson about.  I remember when Nancy Reagan replaced the White House china with private donations (no tax dollars were used) and she was crucified in the press for being extravagant.  But once again, the current first lady can wear expensive designer clothes and feed the homeless in $540 sneakers and employ non-American designers and it’s all OKAY.


If you’re still yearning for more WeinerGate:

Da Tech Guy has a great blog post. He explains a lot and leaves a lot of food for thought.

Read it here.

And the twitter posts just keep on comin’! This one for Ace of Spades HQ:

Ace of Spades says: Hey Rep Weiner! I found the hacker!

The internet is all a-Twitter over Weinergate

Did Reprehensible Representative Anthony Weiner tweet a photo of an erection (presumably his) inside a pair of Fruit of the Looms to a co-ed in Seattle or was his account, as he claims, hacked?

Why did her account(s) disappear immediately after this photo was sent to her Twitter account?

If his accounts were hacked, did he notify the FBI?

Has be possibly been tweeting with a high school girl?

So many questions – no credible answers at the time of this writing.

This will likely be a long weekend for Weiner and his staff. (There’s something wrong with using the words long and staff in a sentence with Weiner as the subject.)

It will be fun to watch Weiner get himself out of this one and he will because the MSM knows only how to protect its own.

Read more here and here and here.

These nutcases will never give up destroying American traditions

So the greenies in California (where they belong) have succeeded in requiring 4th of July fireworks displays to obtain an environmental impact study before they can MAYBE get a permit to shoot them off.

In the words of the great Green legal guru who has been litigating this case:

“There are a whole host of impacts that we know occur from fireworks shows, from marine mammals to marine birds to water quality to traffic to noise to the air,” [Marco] Gonzalez said. “We want it studied and we want it mitigated.” [translation: we want to spend more of your money in really stupid ways.]

Gonzalez is the attorney for this green group and he’s ecstatic over this ruling.  Poor guy and his clients have been suffering from abuse and teasing over what many (normal thinking Americans and a small number of sane Californians) perceived as a stupid and frivolous lawsuit.

“If you were to sum it up with one word, I would say ‘vindication.’ It’s vindication for the environment … and it’s vindication for my client because of the amount of disparaging comments and general negativity that was thrown our way when we were told that our lawsuit was frivolous,” Gonzalez said.

Earlier this month, his lawsuit had spurred regional pollution regulators to adopt a new permit for fireworks shot over beaches and bays. The mandate, based on the Clean Water Act, was a national first.

When do we say enough? What does it take for Americans to reach their saturation point of government bureaucrats lording over us in such insanely stupid ways?

This is the stuff that discourages and infuriates me. And it’s this kind of stupidity what will cause California to implode on itself — not soon enough.


Working out of the funk

Arabian Nights: King of the Black Isles by Maxfield Parrish

I’ve had a week or 2 of “just too much.” Too much information and too many events that are too depressing, too frustrating, too sad that I just had to walk away from it all for a while. There are some things I can’t walk away from, in my personal life. But there are things in the news that make me want to cry or scream at the stupidity and callousness of people.

I hate neglecting my blog and I really hate neglecting the blogs of my fellow bloggers, although I know they understand all too well how we all get overloaded on occasion.

Everyone feels information overload now and then, especially in these days of instant news.

One thing that’s really getting under my skin is all this polling nonsense. I don’t want to see anymore polls about hypotheticals.  I don’t want to see anymore of those “if this person were running” what the outcome would be stats. If they’re not officially in the race, I don’t care. Let them do their own internal polling to decide if they should be in or not. In fact, it’s all too early to judge and we all have our own personal favorites. Intentional or not, this kind of polling news shapes the mood of the country.

I’m tired of the distortions and double standards in the news, primarily from the left. When will someone ask a democrat politician if he disavows Ed Schultz’ slut rant about Laura Ingraham? They ask the same stupid questions of republicans over anything that Rush Limbaugh says, although the worst I’ve ever heard Rush call a liberal woman is a FemiNazi. Why anyone should be expected to condemn the opinions of another is beyond me, but they do it all the time to republicans and conservatives. Why not ask a democat/liberal that same question?

What we see happening in the south with the flooded farmland and the tornado destruction is so heartbreaking. I don’t see the feds or the president in there doing a whole lot to help those people. Just a lot of lip service from TheOne. Most of those people, though would prefer that the feds stay out of their problems. They’d rather take care of themselves and their own. That’s the mentality of Americans in fly-over country. They are the originators of “YES WE CAN do it ourselves and better, thank you very much!”  And they do and will.

/rant over.

You know, I’d rather write about Maxfield Parrish. He’s one of my favorite artists/illustrators. My daughter was born on his 110th birthday.

Although he plays one on TV, Obama is no statesman

I’ve argued before that Tony Blair and Barack Obama have an awful lot in common. Both are lawyers; both are snake-oil-salesman; both claim to be post-partisan, and Third Way and consensual; both play the acceptable, moderate-seeming public face of a regime chock full of Communists, class warriors, single issue rabble rousers, malcontents, communitarians and eco-loons hell bent on destroying every last vestige of what once made their country great. And both do (or did) the things dodgy political leaders always do when the going gets tough at home and their domestic audience finally wises up to how totally useless they are: they hop on the plane and pose as international statesman instead. James Delingpole/UKTelegraph (emphasis mine.)

Isn’t that an interesting observation (from a Brit, no less) considering the geo-political education Obama got last week from Benjamin Netanyahu?

Have you seen the movie Soapdish? The scene: Soap opera star and “America’s Sweetheart” Celeste Talbert (Sally Field) has been dumped by her boyfriend and is being maneuvered by political ner’do-wells at work. She’s depressed and emotionally falling apart when her friend and writer at the Sun Also Sets, (Whoopi Goldberg) takes her to the mall and pretends to be a fan. This incites all the shoppers to gather ’round Celeste and beg for autographs and go all gah-gah over her. Just the “worship fix” Celeste needed.

When I saw Obama in Ireland today, in front of thousands of cheering, adoring fans, I thought immediately of that scene in Soapdish. In his own version of television soap opera, Obama’s not getting the kind of reception in America that the Irish have lavished on him, and in fact he’s been getting a lot of criticism, so I’m sure he’s in need of a little messiah worship infusion. He’ll get it from those European socialists who want nothing more than to slobber all over the first Black American president.

Delingpole’s blog is a definite must read. You’ll enjoy it and be sure and read his link to a previous story about Michelle.

On another topic: Doesn’t Hillary look good since she got that LifeStyle lift?

Who says you can survive without Newports and Coors?

Tornado this week in Minnesota from the

For the last 80 years, in presidential elections, Minnesota has almost always voted blue. Keep that in mind when you read this story.

And then, to publicize the need to steal Old Milwaukee and Kools, there’s this one.

Makes you proud to be an American, doesn’t it?

3/4 of Joplin, Missouri is reportedly GONE. Homes and lives lost.  You’ve read all the stories and seen all the clips. Just like in the South a week or so ago, the tornadoes, flooding and weather has been devastating.  And I know that all your thoughts and prayers, like mine,  are with our effected fellow Americans.

ObamaCare’s screaming thugs

SEIU thugs from ironic socialism.

A great point made by Ronald J. Pestritto of Hillsdale College:

Isn’t it interesting that those who lobbied hardest for ObamaCare are the first to be granted waivers?

Quote of the Day – Mark Steyn

The arrest of a mediocre international civil servant in the first-class cabin of his jet isn’t just a sex story: It’s a glimpse of the widening gulf between the government class and their subjects in a post-prosperity West. Neither Geithner nor Strauss-Kahn have ever created a dime of wealth in their lives. They have devoted their careers to “public service,” and thus are in the happy position of rarely if ever having to write a personal check. At the Sofitel in New York, DSK was in a $3,000-per-night suite. Was the IMF picking up the tab? If so, you the plucky U.S. taxpayer paid around 550 bucks of that, whereas Strauss-Kahn’s fellow Frenchmen put up less than $150. So if, as Le Nouvel Observateur suggests, France and America really do belong in entirely different civilizations, the French one ought to start looking for a new patron for the heroic DSK’s lifestyle. Mark Steyn/JWR