Monthly Archives: February 2011

From the comments – One not to miss

Because often comments get lost or not noticed or read at all, I’m giving this particular comment a blog post of its own. I’ve only done that a couple times in the past because for one reason or another, I think they require attention. This is one of those times.

Mr. King writes that he feels ‘dispirited’ after reading so much misinformation and distortions on the web. I hope I have given him reason to feel differently.

Dear Roxannadanna,

I will start by saying: I won’t be snarky. I am the co-witer and co-creator of the episode in question. And I haven’t commented everywhere because virus-like this story has spread everywhere, and it’s very hard to chase down a viral confusion. It really lends some truth to the epigram: “a lie runs halfway around the world before the truth can get its shoes on.”

Having said that, I wish people would watch the episode in question. I know it seems like a lame justification, but the episode really is strangely a defense of Tea Party adherents. Most of the criticism of the episode has been taking the words of the obvious villain to be the meaning of the episode– when it’s actually the opposite.

Secondly, the “McVeigh” name given to the character played by Gary Cole is part of the point. In the 15th episode of the first year– an episode titled “Bang”– the character was introduced. And the liberal partner, Diane (as played by Christine Baranski) was prejudiced against McVeigh. The reason she was prejudiced was his name. So the name was the point. It’s not an attempt to sneak in some liberal propaganda (as I think some bloggers have suggested). It’s the point of the character. Diane judges a right-wing character based on his name, and then she, and the viewer, quickly realize he’s nothing like the character they expect.

It’s very hard to argue that now without seeming like an apologist. But look at the episode “Bang” from last year (you can find it on line) and then look at the episode “Silver Bullet” from this year. They are a defense of these character’s conservative values.

But anyway this has been an education for me– how the internet becomes a funhouse mirror of agendas and political opinions. It’s very dispiriting.

I hope you’ll give the show a chance. It’s not what you expect. Thank you.

–Robert King

Quote of the day – Justin Bieber – (lol I never thought I’d ever be quoting this kid)

Let’s not forget, these evil Americans have made him a star and a multimillionaire.

“I’ll never be an American citizen. You guys are evil. Canada’s the best country in the world.  We go to the doctor, and we don’t need to worry about paying him, but here, your whole life, you’re broke because of medical bills. My bodyguard’s baby was premature and now he has to pay for it. In Canada, if your baby’s premature, he stays in the hospital as long as he needs to and then go home.” Justin Bieber from Rolling Stone



A sadness that lasts forever

VanGogh self protrait

It’s hard to imagine feeling as though your world is so broken and the sadness so deep that you have to mutilate yourself in order to find any peace. I guess that’s how cutters feel and maybe how Vincent felt.

Vincent moved to the south of France, some say to start his own artist colony while being supported by his brother, Theo. Theo was able to talk Paul Gauguin to move there and keep Vincent company. Vincent had a great admiration for Gauguin and saw him as a kind of mentor. Gauguin influenced Vincent’s style, especially in the use of vibrant colors. Vincent painted his famous Sunflowers for Paul and in anticipation of his arrival. But they had a very turbulent relationship and after an intense and almost violent argument with Gauguin, Vincent took a shaving razor and cut off his own ear.

This was the beginning of a downward mental spiral for Vincent that not only resulted in committing himself to an asylum and his suicide but also some of the most wonderful art of his short lifetime. After shooting himself, it took him 2 more days to die. His final words to Theo were “the sadness will last forever.”  He was right – the sadness will last forever because we will never know the fullness of his art. He was only 37 when he died.

The importance of Paul Gauguin in Vincent’s life is reflected in this self portrait – over his left shoulder is a Gauguin painting.

I have to wonder why he put Paul’s painting in his own self portrait. Was he trying to manipulate Paul with this passive/aggressive gesture? To make Paul feel guilty? Was he trying to tell us that he loved Paul so  much that he put his work inside his own? Was he trying to integrate himself into Paul’s world? Was Vincent saying that he would never be good enough – never be as good as his idol?

It’s a question I guess I’ll ask him over lunch when I get to heaven.

CBS The Good Wife smears Palin and the Tea Party

You know, I don’t watch network tv.  Never. It’s a waste of time. But CBS has a show called The Good Wife which apparently has a strong political bent. Such a bent that they now have a character who is a Tea Party member named Kurt McVeigh.  And what images does that conjure up for you? What do you suppose is the message that these writers are trying to send?

I guess if Tea Partiers aren’t going to really bomb federal buildings and kill Americans in masse, then they will create the illusion for the American public of it happening.

According to this article at FoxNews, they have taken more than one jab at Sarah Palin and this is another – at her and at the Tea Party at large. As I write this I see that Megyn Kelly will be taking up this topic on her show today. I hope you watch.

It amazes me that people actually watch network television. By watching it, it’s being supported and shows like this are being supported also. I can’t picket CBS corporate headquarters, I live in Arizona and the only other way to send a message to the networks is by boycotts – something I don’t really like unless we are talking about The View. But somehow the message needs to get through to these Hollywood elites that America does not appreciate their vision of our citizens and our nation.

Howard Dean raising a slush fund for the Wisconsin 14

Interesting story at the American Spectator. It seems that the Dean brothers (Howard and his brother Jim) have put together an organization to raise money for the support of the 14 Wisconsin democrats on the lam. And they’ve raised over $120,000. The money is being funneled into the Wisconsin State Senate Democratic Committee. Wisconsin law prohibits contributions of over $6000 in one calender year from any one organization or person, so the this violates that law by a large amount – well over $100,000.

Donations in the sum of at least $14, to support the 14 runaway politicians or as they call them- heroes, are being accepted at this website. “Please contribute $14 to the Wisconsin State Democratic Committee right now and tell these 14 Hero Democrats to stand strong…”

I’ve wondered how these guys were supporting themselves in Illionois and I knew that not one of them were staying at a Comfort Inn or Motel 6. Now I have an answer.

“Alas for the Wisconsin senators and their Dean Dollars, Governor Scott Walker is watching. So too their doubtless appalled Republican colleagues. Not to mention the horrified and mad as hell taxpayers of Wisconsin.

Did I leave out the entire nation?

Where are Wisconsin State Senate Democrats’ Dean Dollars going? And based on the reality that Wisconsin teachers and some doctors are seen lying… on camera!… who will believe the answer when it comes? From either the Deans or the missing state senators?”

“Thanks to the Deans and 14 AWOL Wisconsin Democrats in the State Senate — now flush with a slush fund of over a hundred grand — the idea of being a “public employee” and “teacher” will never be seen the same way again. Not to mention being a Democrat in the Wisconsin State Senate.”

It’s pathetic to me that the Deans can raise this kind of money in less than a week for these renegade, outlaw politicians but the American Spectator is trying to only raise $25,ooo to keep its website going and struggling at just over $6000, so far.

Once again, Reid has to mess with something that actually works

Although I was born, raised and married in Wyoming, I’ll always consider Nevada home. My memories of Nevada are all good and my children got a first class education there as well as their own wonderful memories. We lived in a rural county, Nye and like many of the rural counties, prostitution is legal. It is deliberately illegal in Washoe (Reno) and Clark (Las Vegas) counties so as to not offend the tourist trade. But one need only drive 55 miles northwest on a rural highway, into Nye County and you can find 3 brothels and another 3 or 4 before you reach the county seat in Tonopah.

The Chicken Ranch on the outskirts of Pahrump, NV

Aside from legal prostitution at places like the Chicken Ranch, Nye county is also famous for Area 51, the development of the Stealth bomber and the home of the great UFO hunter and radio personality, Art Bell.

The citizens of each county vote to legalize prostitution or not. And they reap a great deal of tax revenue from this legal business, too. Brothels are not within the city or town limits. You have to actually search them out. No one’s child sees them from a school bus, as Harry dipshit Reid has claimed. Most of us forget they even exist until we have relatives come visit and want a trip out there to see one.

The brothel owners ( I will not call them pimps) keep a very low profile in their communities, basically to avoid offending the townsfolk. Their girls are not allowed off the property for “out dates” with clients. They are taken to town for doctor appointments (every month for HIV, STD and other testing and last I knew, there has never been one case of HIV originating from the brothels) and to grocery stores for whatever they need, by a brothel employee. They do not “walk the streets”. Their business stays within the brothel compound. The girls have to have an out of county address. Most work 2 to 3 weeks and then go home for a week (most of them live in Las Vegas, where most of them have boyfriends.)

They pay for a privilege license – more tax revenue for the county and it can be taken away from them or the brothel owner, for breaking any laws that pertain to the business.

Prostitution is legal. It’s regulated. It makes the counties and state a lot of money. And the people of those counties want it. They voted to allow it. Now here comes Harry the dickhead Reid telling Nevadans that it’s time to “have an adult conversation” about this taxed and highly regulated industry. And maybe it’s time to outlaw it. (I’m already sick of hearing “adult conversation” as I was sick of hearing “transparency.”)

Harry – mind your business in DC:  keeping us broke and over extended and in massive debt, okay? Leave alone a business that’s working well and lawfully within the state. I wish this guy would just shut the hell up! Not everyone is Nevada is a Mormon. Not all of them are stupid enough to give up lots and lots of tax dollars from businesses that live on the edge of town and require a map to find. For cryin’ out loud – the voters in these counties are adults and they know what they want.

Leave them alone. Leave the counties alone. Mind your own misguided business and stay out of Nevada!

Ha! Libya investigated Arizona

I never cease to be amazed at the hypocrisy and stupidity of the left. I lump the UN in with the left.

They put Libya on the Human Rights Council and then investigated — ARIZONA!!!

Libya, a nation that is and has been killing, torturing and beating its own people, to sit in judgment of Arizona. ARIZONA, FOR CRYIN’ OUT LOUD!

This is a totally crazy world.

If this is not reason enough for us to pull out of the UN, what will it take?

Random thoughts for Monday

These unions get us coming and going. Morning Bell at the Heritage Foundation says that the teacher’s “sick-in” could cost Wisconsin taxpayers up to $6million. A story from MacIver Institute, explains how much these work absences will cost the state, thanks to “doctors” who are signing work excuses to protesters on the picket lines. No one knows how many of these “doctors” are even genuinely licensed.

The unions are doing nothing but alienating public opinion. Those of us in the private sector are watching this and seeing how much these folks will be getting in pensions and we aren’t liking it. And we are liking less, the protesters when they are asked to shoulder a little of the burden that we have had to carry for years. So, I say keep it up. Membership in unions is declining (it’s under 11% of the work force now) and they aren’t doing anything positive for their cause.


I have to ask: how smart is it to take your spring break in Mexico or go hiking along the Iranian border or to sail your yacht along the coast of Somalia? I mean, seriously.


I hope the Republicans who voted with the Democrats on the budget last week have some kind of good explanation for doing so. Some of those defecting to the dark side were Tea Party candidates and all of them ran on budget cuts and repealing ObamaCare, when they were elected last November.  This is highly disappointing. And sure does make me question my faith in the party.


And then there’s this:

For 50 years, Democrats have harbored traitors, lost wars, lost continents to communism, hobnobbed with the nation’s enemies, attacked America’s allies, and counseled retreat and surrender. Or as they call it, ‘foreign policy.’ As Joe McCarthy once said, if liberals were merely stupid, the laws of probability would dictate that at least some of their decisions would serve America’s interests.” –columnist Ann Coulter

But we know that none of their decisions have served America. . .

Real hate speech comes from union thugs

Be sure to check out the Rhetoric vs. Reality video on the Wisconsin GOP website. It’s terrific!


Stupid government, stupid politicians and appointees

Listening to Bernie Sanders (VT – socialist) just makes my blood boil. This guy is the most sanctimonious, pompous ass in politics. Why those folks in Vermont have elected him, is a mystery to me. Today in the budget hearings with Tax Cheat Tim, Sanders wasted a third of his 7 minutes, bragging on himself and his past voting record and blaming the Republicans for the financial mess we are in – as though it’s only the Republicans who are at fault.

Poor example of ducking a question: When asked if the individual mandate was a penalty or a tax, Geithner said that would be up to the lawyers to decide. I guess like his boss, Obama, that question is “above his pay grade.”

Driving home yesterday from Las Vegas, it occurred to me that maybe Mayor Bloomberg should be worrying more about the bedbug infestation in NYC and less about 4th or 14th hand smoke in Time Square. I mean Geeeze – isn’t it more deleterious to tourism to suffer from bedbugs, than to worry about somebody, who’s 20 feet away, smoking on the beach?  New Yorkers must be as stupid as Vermonters: Bloomberg is a real cluck.

Doesn’t it make sense to everyone who understands how free markets work that if high speed passenger trains were profitable, Union Pacific would have them running full bore? But obviously, since AmTrak doesn’t work, it goes without saying that we need to dump $53billion into high speed trains.

What our government knows best: how to waste tax dollars.