Tag Archives: Bloomberg

Wall St. Squatters – like the Tea Party? I don’t think so!

This is like the tea party?

Someone needs a reality check if this can be compared to the Tea Party.

There is no comparison – NONE. Tea party people don’t crap on police cars. They don’t prod and provoke the police. They don’t leave trash when they go home.  And they go home at the end of the day because they have LIVES and jobs.

Tea party people bring lawn chairs and bottled water and signs for the day and then they LEAVE. They don’t stay and make the neighbors lives miserable with drum circles and chants. They don’t stay and harm the economy of the small business people in the area.  And when they leave,  they leave it cleaner than when they arrived.

Finally, the stupid Mayor is coming to his senses. Be sure and watch the video at this site too:

NEW YORK — Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Friday accused the Wall Street demonstrators of trying to cripple New York City’s economy.

“What they’re trying to do is take the jobs away from people working in this city,” the mayor declared in his harshest criticism of the three-week-old protest that has caught the attention of the nation.

“They’re trying to take away the tax base we have because none of this is good for tourism.”

Although he expressed sympathy for “some of their complaints,” Bloomberg warned that addressing them has to be accomplished “without hurting people and making the problem worse.”

“If the jobs they are trying to get rid of in this city — the people that work in finance, which is a big part of our economy — we’re not going to have any money to pay our municipal employees or clean the blocks or anything else.”

The mayor’s comments came in response to a caller to his WOR Radio show who asked what the city intended to do about the protest headquarters in Zuccotti Park, which is near her apartment and where hundreds of people are camped out.

“What about my rights to use the park?” asked the caller, named Marsha.

“This is a little bit of greenery that we reclaimed after Sept. 11. It’s not usable. There is a general sense of incivility down there. But worst of all are the drums and the shouting. I know they’ve agreed to stop the drumming. Last night they were drumming until 10:45. Someone did a little practice drumming this morning at 7:50.”

“We couldn’t agree more,” replied the mayor.

“We are trying to deal with this in a way that doesn’t make the problem grow and protects everybody’s rights.”

He hinted that the city is hoping the protest peters out on its own.

“I think we let some of this — not play out, isn’t quite the right word, but let them express themselves,” said Bloomberg.

President Barack Obama on Thursday defended the protesters, saying they expressed “the frustrations that the American people feel. People are frustrated and the protesters are giving voice to a more broad-based frustration about how our financial system works.”

Leaving Row 2 Seat 4 for the front row – maybe

The talk is that Major Garrett has a great shot at moving into Helen Thomas’ old seat. It’s also being speculated that Bloomberg will get the honor. My thinking – and not shared by anyone in the know – is that print media will be moving up. The Washington Post or NYT are both on the same side as NBC, ABC, CNN and Reuters, which is the White House side.

Read more here: The Daily Beast, NewsBusters, Mediaite

Almost earth shaking comments from Las Vegas’ own Steve Wynn

Wynn Las Vegas. Las Vegas and Steve Wynn's most spectacular casino/resort.

“It is not improbable or unrealistic considering so much of our revenue is from China that it makes sense that I spend most of my time here,” Wynn said in an interview with CNBC. “I’m seriously considering that and I am weighing the implications of how I engineer that.”

Now, if you’re a Las Vegan or a Nevadan, those are some scary words. Wynn is floating some kind of balloon with this comment, serious or not. And no one argues that corporate taxes are more friendly outside the United States, than in.

In a subsequent interview with Bloomberg News, Wynn said much of his desire to leave Las Vegas was because of the country’s economic direction set by Obama.

“The governmental policies in the United States of America are a damper, a wet blanket,” Wynn said. “They retard investment; they retard job formation; they retard the creation of a better life for the citizens in spite of the rhetoric of the president.”

I”m just guessing but I don’t think Wynn is a real big fan of Harry’s, either:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, speaking at a press conference on banking reform, was asked about Wynn’ comments on Obama’s policies.

“I’m not going to get into a dispute with Mr. Wynn, somebody who has done so much for Las Vegas, but I will say that taxes are at an all-time low. The tax picture he complained about is just not there.”

What planet do you live on, Harry? You big dummy.

Imagine the impact on the unions if Wynn actually did move his headquarters to China. No one would be more deserving of calamity just on the merits of their voting record alone.

Read the whole article – it’s worth it –  by Howard Stutz/LasVegasReview-Journal

Slide show of the beautiful new  Wynn Encore Macau