Tag Archives: media

Will the media turn their misogynist Palin attacks on Bachmann?

Dennis Miller made an excellent point tonight on O’Reilly which Bill poo-pooed because it wasn’t his idea first.  Let me say before I go on that I’m no Factor fan, I just like his guests and sometimes they’re able to get a complete thought expressed before Bill interrupts them. Frankly, Bill is annoying with his “looking out for the folks” meme all the time.

But I digress.

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann

The point Miller made was that if the LSM goes after Michele Bachmann in the same ruthless and cruel way they’ve gone after Sarah Palin, the media will have established an MO.  That won’t look so good for them. Do these liberal journalists want to appear to be the misogynists that they really are or would they rather stay in the closet?  Miller gave great kudos to Palin for laying the ground work for all women to come after her because she’s taken all the abuse and heat – there can’t be any left unless the leftist media want to appear in the ugliest of lights. They will look like women haters – even if the woman in question happens to be conservative.

Party affiliation won’t matter a lot to the American people if they see the media pillaging yet one more UNDESERVING female candidate.

The people that both parties will be fighting for will be the independents: the so-called moderate Americans. They are leaving the democrat party because it’s been hijacked by leftist extremists.  It’s no longer the party of their parents.  It’s now the party of Che and Mao.  And I’m pretty sure those moderate American voters don’t want to be aligned with communists.  I think as it is, it will be hard for the democrats to win them back, but it will be especially hard if they see unfair and unnecessary gender abuse from the media, sanctioned by the democrat party.





MSNBC’s new “leaning forward left” ads.

I guess there’s no longer any question on where ComCast sits, politically.  I thought that they were smarter than the company from which they purchased this losing network. WRONG! But on the plus side, I’m glad they aren’t. They will remain on the losing side of the American public.

Ladies and gentlemen, check out the new “lean forward” ads by MSNBC stars (read that sarcastically.)  These are amazing. And I take offense to Rachel Madcow at Hoover Dam, talking about America’s greatness (Hoover Dam, that fabulous engineering feat) that could never be done without the government leading the way.

Let’s put that in perspective, okay? That dam was built in less than 5 years. 5 YEARS! Do you know how long that bridge took? When we lived in Nevada, the sign said:

“Highway construction next (whatever) miles. 2003-2007.”

then it said “2003-2008”

then they took down the final year, just painted over it.

It was finished this winter — 2010!

Nearly 8 years to finish a bridge and a highway. Admittedly, that bridge is something to behold. It’s almost as amazing as the Dam itself. But it’s still not THE HOOVER DAM! There was no excuse for it to take nearly twice as long as the entire damned Dam! And actually it was more than a decade when you figure in all the impact studies and bullshit that the EPA and OSHA and all the other government alphabet agencies require.

This Ms.Madcow, is what happens when the government leads!

But I digress – as usual.

Watch the “leaning forward left” ads. They are, if nothing else, amusing!

Our transparent government, locking reporters in closets

I have to wonder if anyone is going to have to answer for this or if the media will remain silent and accept this kind of treatment. Be sure and go to Drudge and check out the picture of this pool reporters confinement quarters. This really is unacceptable but expected from the democrats.

From the Drudge Report:

Staffers with Vice President Joe Biden confined an Orlando Sentinel reporter in a closet this week to keep him from mingling with high-powered guests gathered for a Democratic fundraiser.

Reporter Scott Powers was the designated “pool reporter” for the vice president’s Wednesday visit to the massive Winter Park, Fla., home of developer and philanthropist Alan Ginsburg. The veep hadn’t arrived yet but most of the 150 guests (minimum $500 donation) had. They were busy noshing on caprese crostini with oven-dried mozzarella and basil, rosemary flatbread with grapes honey and gorgonzola cheese and bacon deviled eggs, before a lunch of grilled chicken Caesar and garden vegetable wraps.

Not so for Powers. A “low-level staffer” put Powers in a storage closet and then stood guard outside the door, Powers told the DRUDGE REPORT. “When I’d stick my head out, they’d say, ‘Not yet. We’ll let you know when you can come out.'”

And no crustini for Powers, either. He made do with a bottle of water to sip as he sat at a tiny makeshift desk, right next to a bag marked “consignment.” Powers was closeted at about 11:30 a.m., held for about an hour and 15 minutes, came out for 35 minutes of remarks by Biden and Sen. Bill Nelson, Florida Democrat, and then returned to his jail for the remainder of the event.

Powers’ phone didn’t work in the closet, but his Blackberry did, so he fired a picture of his impromptu prison to his editors, who posted a short blog item on the lack of freedom of the press under the veep’s control.

Powers didn’t mention his confinement in either of his pool reports that day, saying only that “press coverage was limited to a single pool reporter, filing on behalf of all local media, who was allowed to listen to the remarks but not given an opportunity to talk with anyone at the event.”

On Friday, Powers said, the home’s owner called him. “He said he had no idea they’d put me in a closet and was very sorry. He said he was just following their lead and was extremely embarrassed by the whole thing.”

Couple of facts from Karl Rove to confound your goofy liberal friends

from Karl Rove in todays WSJ

Mr. Obama and his people also mischaracterize where most stimulus dollars go. Their constant prattle about “shovel ready projects” is an attempt to leave the impression that most goes to bricks and mortar. Not true: Only 3.3% of the $814 billion stimulus went to the Federal Highway Administration for highway and bridge projects.

The administration’s misleading statements and obfuscations aren’t limited to the economy. On health care, for example, Mr. Obama continues saying that (a) health-care reform will reduce costs and the deficit, (b) no one who wants to keep existing coverage will lose it, and (c) the law’s cuts in Medicare won’t threaten any senior’s health care. These assertions are laughable.

The president’s habit of exaggeration and misstatement has infected other Democrats. Speaker Nancy Pelosi, for example, routinely talks about how the recently passed “Stimulus II” spending bill protected the jobs of police and firemen.

But it didn’t.

Stimulus II consisted of two parts: $10 billion for education and $16 billion for Medicaid. States can’t spend Medicaid money for anything but Medicaid, and they can only spend the education money on education, i.e., they can’t shuffle state funds around. Language allowing Stimulus II dollars to pay for police and firemen didn’t make it out of the Senate. Yet Democratic leaders persist in saying that their latest stimulus has helped keep police and firefighters on the job. The claim is flatly untrue.

Having coffee with the biggest bunch of crybabies

This may be my favorite video clip of all time!

Love to have been at the next table during this little meeting.