Tag Archives: David Horowitz

The former brain dead liberal speaks but to only a conservative audience

It’s interesting that if you look up David Mamet at Wikipedia, there is no mention of his new book The Secret Knowledge on the Dismantling of American Culture. There’s no mention of his 2008 op-ed piece in the Village Voice where he ‘comes out’ as a former “brain dead liberal” and says:

I’d observed that lust, greed, envy, sloth, and their pals are giving the world a good run for its money, but that nonetheless, people in general seem to get from day to day; and that we in the United States get from day to day under rather wonderful and privileged circumstances—that we are not and never have been the villains that some of the world and some of our citizens make us out to be, but that we are a confection of normal (greedy, lustful, duplicitous, corrupt, inspired—in short, human) individuals living under a spectacularly effective compact called the Constitution, and lucky to get it.

It’s interesting and telling that the liberal Wikipedia, as well as other liberal outlets, is trying to ignore Mamet’s conservative epiphany. I hope that conservative media jump on this opportunity to showcase another David Horowitz or Andrew Breitbart conservative convert.

Mamet’s a practicing Jew who sees the world through different eyes now than he did 10 or even 5 years ago. He’s the Pulitzer Prize winning author of GlenGarry Glen Ross and his screenplays for movies such as The Untouchables, The Verdict and Wag the Dog have been nominated for Academy Awards.

He’s one of the few (now former) liberals who chose to look at other sides and read other ideas. His new heros are now conservative giants like Milton Freidman, Thomas Sowell and Shelby Steele. In the process, his eyes have been opened.

I examined my Liberalism and found it like an addiction to roulette. Here, though the odds are plain, and the certainty of loss apparent to anyone with a knowledge of arithmetic, the addict, failing time and again, is convinced he yet is graced with the power to contravene natural laws. The roulette addict, when he inevitably comes to grief, does not examine either the nature of roulette or of his delusion, but retires to develop a new system, and to scheme for more funds.
The great wickedness of Liberalism, I saw, was that those who devise the ever new State Utopias, whether crooks or fools, set out to bankrupt not themselves but others.*

*President Obama said, “The individual at some point must be able to say, ‘I have enough money.'” But will Mr. Obama out of office, say this to himself, and the vast riches he will enjoy? One must doubt it.

I started reading his new book yesterday. It’s only 223 pages long (minus his acknowledgments, bibliography and index) but every page, every paragraph is quotable. It’s an amazingly interesting, entertaining and educational book written in a playwright’s lyrical style.

I highly recommend it.

This little weasel has nothing on the New Marxists

Donald Segretti/historycommons.com

Donald Segretti/historycommons.org

Donald Segretti.

I’m sure, totally forgotten to most, he was the dirty tricks orchestrator for the Nixon campaign during the Watergate days. He forged letters and documents that caused all kinds of headaches for presidential candidate, Ed Muskie. And his many “pranks” against the Democrats back then are almost funny today when you compare them to the lengths that the Marxists are going to sabotage an entire nation.

But you have to wonder if, given the technology that we have today, how much more damage Segretti could have done.

Anyway. I digress.

I keep hoping that someone will find the head of the snake in this Soros thing. Of course, he is the head but you can’t cut his off. There has to be an organization that if, taken down, will destroy the rest of the web he’s created. Every google hit brings you back to David Horowitz. Apparently, he is the only one who has done any research into this shady group of operatives called the Thunder Road Group.

from discoverthenetworks.org:

The Thunder Road Group (TRG) is the strategic nerve center of the Shadow Party. It coordinates strategy for the Media Fund, America Coming Together (ACT), and America Votes — the three groups most involved in Shadow Party strategic planning. TRG is a political consultancy that combines the roles of strategic planning, polling, opposition research, covert operations, and public relations. It is through TRG that the Shadow Party formulates its plans, dispatches orders to the network, and presents its public face to the world. “[The Thunder Road Group] is an operation unlike any other in politics, devising strategy, message, and public relations services for the 527s,” writes The Boston Globe.

TRG is named after a Bruce Springsteen song, “Thunder Road,” whose lyrics declare, “It’s a town full of losers, and I’m pulling out of here to win.” The organization was founded in early 2004 by Jim Jordan, an attorney with a long track record as a Democrat “spin doctor.” Among other high-profile assignments, Jordan handled press relations for the Senate committee investigating DNC fundraising in 1997 and for the House Judiciary Committee during the Clinton impeachment proceedings of 1998…

… Jordan acknowledges that his group engages in opposition research. Some reports indicate that Jordan’s covert operations go beyond ordinary political dirt-digging. According to the American Spectator, for example, Jordan may have helped stage-manage the media circus that disrupted and contaminated the work of the 9-11 Commission…

…The identities of these individuals have been gleaned from chance references in the press, as TRG has no website and has published no list of its personnel.

More than 57 Varieties to this scandal

Heinz logo

Heinz logo

Rathke sits on the Tides Foundation board. (And Pittsburgh’s Heinz Endowments, chaired by ketchup heiress Teresa Heinz Kerry, wife of U.S. Sen. John Kerry, funded Tides with more than $8 million between 1994 and 2005.)
Anyone who’s watched Glenn Beck or read David Horowitz‘ website has heard of the Tides Foundation, Drummond Pike and Wade and Dale Rathke. These are not new names to the ACORN scandal.

What will be interesting to see are the “other” names that will come out when this ugly mess is brought to the sunlight: names like Theresa Heinz and Kathleen Kennedy Townsend.

Former Maryland Lt. Governor Townsend is on the ACORN advisory council which also include John Podesta, (head of the Center for American Progress – left wing liberal group and part of the former Clinton administration) and Andy Stern (president of the SEIU).

The alphabet soup connections have just begun: ACORN >SEIU > CAP > and on it will go.

In the words of that great senate statesman Roland Burris when chased down by Griff Jenkins and asked why he was one of 7 in the senate who voted against defunding: I voted for ACORN.
Read more good stuff here at Frugal Cafe Blog Zone.