NY might be the state to watch this election year

New Yorkers are waiting with baited breath for a NYTs story to break. It supposedly alleges that Paterson and his wife are swingers.  His handlers insist that there is nothing “resign worthy” in any story, in any newspaper. They insist that he has already come clean with all his past indescretions (i.e. drug use and extra marital affairs) so there can’t be anything else to worry about.

We’ll all wait and see what develops but this might be part of what Breitbart has been alluding to for the past couple months when he has said that the MSM will find itself in a very uncomfortable place if they don’t start covering the NEWS.

Van Jones

Hillary’s senate place holder, Kirsten Gillibrand will be sitting with communist, Van Jones at a conference on job creation at Harvard. Jones is a co-signer of the 9/11 “truther” document accusing the United States of casing and perpetrating the 2001 attack on the WTC.  Glenn Beck famously exposed Jones as the self avowed communist that he is and was instrumental in Jones’ stealthy resignation from the administration last year.

More at BigGovernment.com

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)

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